Tips on How to Choose the Best Method for Flea Extermination

If you are a pet owner, more so with cats, then there is every chance they will have fleas, especially in the summer, which means your home may be infested with them soon! Before this happens, being armed with some flea extermination tips will go a long way!

Flea extermination is usually a multistage process that not only requires you to kill the fleas but their larvae too. There are numerous products available on the market today that you could try, although you should consider hiring a professional like Midwest Termite & Pest Control to do it for you. You will also need to de-flea your pets and take preventative steps to stop re-infestation.

Once you have determined your pet has fleas, you need to quarantine it to prevent any other pets from getting them also. You will need to wash linens, slipcovers, and other items, then dry them in a hot dryer to help kill any larvae or eggs. Put a flea collar in your vacuum bag and remember to vacuum any rugs and carpets on a daily basis. You should also consider steam cleaning your rugs and carpets. When the situation is serious, you should use flea sprays or bug bombs, or any other form of insecticides.

If you have any children or other people that are sensitive to chemicals, you will have to consider hiring professional flea extermination services. Using different products, you could end up with the buildup of toxic chemicals floating around in the atmosphere of your home. An exterminator can exterminate fleas faster and more efficiently than you can. Should you be using a fogger, make sure all food, dishware, and cooking utensils are stored away so they are not exposed to the fogger’s spray. And, under no circumstances should you remain in the home when using a fogger for fleas.

To conclude, if you are a resident of the Dayton, OH area, and think you have fleas in your home, call us at (937) 469-6128 immediately.